A selection of Jason's produced works include It Happened in Key West (Book and Additional Lyrics), London premier, Charing Cross Theater - live cast recording released June 2022. The Crossing (Book and Lyrics), most recently seen in concert hosted by the Thomas Paine Historical Society. Currently in development is a new musical based on the Wildean fable The Happy Prince as well as a contemporary Porteresque song-cycle both in partnership with composer John Allen Watts. Additionally, Jason is
co-writing a new musical along with Broadway’s Jeremiah James and composer Sujin Kim-Ramsey titled Beatrice.
As a playwright, Jason’s projects include a Divine Comedy-inspired triptych: Dante’s Omission, a Eugene O’Neill semi-finalist; After Heaven and The Paradise, written in metered terza rima and blank verse respectively.
Jason’s three novels Delirium Tremens, Emma and Adam, and 2028 can be found on Amazon and Audible.
When not working on the above, Jason always has another musical, play, or novel up his sleeve.
Jason lives in Manhattan with his wife and three sons.